Sunday, April 17, 2011

Researched Argument Evaluation Quiz

 This Quiz is worth 20 points. Please answer the questions thoroughly and thoughtfully.
Step 1: Turn to the BACK SIDE of the FIRST PAGE and answer the following questions there. 

Question 1: Underline your thesis statement.
   2: Describe the topic / issue you’ve chosen to address and what motivated you
to research and write upon this subject.
               3: What is the purpose, goal, for writing this paper?
               4: Who is your intended audience?
   5: Considering the semester, what skills did you work to implement from other
papers into this paper.  How? 
   6:  What about this paper did you find enjoyable?
   7: What about writing this paper did you find challenging?
   8: Describe the peer review for this paper.  What was useful?  What would you

Step 2: Read over the paper one last time to correct any spelling or grammatical errors you may have missed.
STEP 3: If you haven’t attached the peer review sheets to the back of your final draft, pull them out to include when you turn in this paper.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Conference Paper Self Evaluation Quiz

This quiz is worth 25 points.  Please answer the questions thoroughly and thoughtfully. 

Step 1: Turn to the BACK SIDE of the FIRST PAGE and answer the following questions there. 

Question 1: Underline your thesis statement.
   2: Describe the topic / issue you’ve chosen to address and what motivated you
to research and write upon this subject.
               3: What is the purpose, goal, for writing this paper?
               4: Who is your intended audience?
   5: Considering the semester, what skills did you work to implement from other
papers into this paper.  How? 
   6:  What about this paper did you find enjoyable?
   7: What about writing this paper did you find challenging?
   8: Describe the peer review for this paper.  What was useful?  What would you

Step 2: Read over the paper one last time to correct any spelling or grammatical errors you may have missed.
STEP 3: If you haven’t attached the peer review sheets to the back of your final draft, pull them out to include when you turn in this paper.