Step 1: Turn to the backside of your first page. Answer the following questions on this side of the paper.
Question 1: What is the purpose of this Proposal?
Q 2: Identify the three sections required for this proposal and give an
example of some element that fits under that section.
Q 3: What aspects of writing this paper were easy for you?
Q 4: What aspect of writing this paper was the most challenging?
Q 5: Tell me about your peer review. What was useful? What did you
learn? What was not useful? What would you change?
Q 6: Have you met with me to discuss either a past paper, or your research issue? When?
Step 2: Give your paper one last read through. Fix any grammar or spelling errors you find.
Step 3: Underline your research question.
Step 4: When you are finished turn your paper in.