This Quiz is worth 20 points. Please answer the questions thoroughly and thoughtfully.
Step 1: Turn to the BACK SIDE of the FIRST PAGE and answer the following questions there.
Question 1: Underline your thesis statement.
2: Describe the topic / issue you’ve chosen to address and what motivated you
to research and write upon this subject.
3: What is the purpose, goal, for writing this paper?
4: Who is your intended audience?
5: Considering the semester, what skills did you work to implement from other
papers into this paper. How?
6: What about this paper did you find enjoyable?
7: What about writing this paper did you find challenging?
8: Describe the peer review for this paper. What was useful? What would you
Step 2: Read over the paper one last time to correct any spelling or grammatical errors you may have missed.
STEP 3: If you haven’t attached the peer review sheets to the back of your final draft, pull them out to include when you turn in this paper.